Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

It is almost 2013, the mayans were wrong and I have been on vacation.  Looks like it is going to be another interesting year for everyone.  Maybe I was just not informed at the time, but I wish we could go back have a year that started out without a fiscal cliff and massive debt.

Sometimes I wish that I could go back and be ignorant, stop watching the news and just get drunk on champagne like half of the world for new years. 

Maybe 2013 will be the year that I win the lottery and can stop working the 9-5!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all, now get off the computer and spend some time with your family!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mayan apocalypse, gun control, etc....

The title should be enough for everyone on the world wide webs to want to tune in.  I have been mostly silent for the past few weeks with a whimper here or there, I was moving... so eat a dick.  Well this is my 200th post and I refuse to let it be a piece of shit!  Grab on to your asses....Here we go!!!!!!!!

1.  Mayan Apocalypse:
     Fuck yea!  This is one of the best reasons to drink since Easter, the solar eclipse, and breakfast.  There are actually people out there that think someone is going to turn off the lights at some point tomorrow, well I guess you have to believe in something.  I believe that if these Mayan fuckers were so damn smart that they would have made it to the end of the world.  (it is rumored that the original fast and furious started with them)

So grab you a ice cold brew and drink up fuckers!  If you make it to Saturday, keep drinking and celebrate that the Mayans were a bunch of fuckheads. 

2.  Gun Control
      I have be largely silent on the Sandy Hook tragedy.  Partially in respect, but partially to see what the facts of the matter were.  There is no way to describe it other than a tragedy, as a father I can not imagine the anger, fear and sadness that is sweeping through those families.  I keep them in my prayers.  I also pray for the shithead that killed all of those innocent children, I wish he could have received the help he needed which may have been the only preventative measure in this case.

On to the gun grabbing.....Everyone that I follow has pretty much said similar things, I agree with most of them.  I also have heard some views that scare me and some that surprise me.  The scary ones are the typical political talking head douche canoes.  The surprising one was from Ice T, who is the only person I have ever seen on TV take the 2nd amendment and describe its actual purpose, to protect the people of the United States from tyranny (not being able to go hunting).   The bill of rights did not give a flying fuck about people being able to hunt, it was to preserve the liberties of American people, hunting was a given. 

There is all sorts of other shit that I could ramble on about, but I need to hit the fridge for another beer and also need some content for post #201.  Thank you to all the people that have been putting up with my bullshit and to the only person to comment on a consistent  AngryMike!!

To those people that lurk around, throw out a damn comment and I will talk shit back to you!

Monday, December 17, 2012


I am still formulating my opinion on the shooting, until then check out my boy Angrymike.  He has some pretty good points Angrymikes hood

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Its the last time in our lives that the date will repeat!  Holy shit!  Run for the fucking hills!

Who cares! 

What really should worry you is the end of the world next Friday, my boy Angus brought up a good point.  The universe is going to rob us of a weekend!  That should get everyone pretty hyped up!  The Mayan apocalypse is upon us!

Signs of the apocalypse:

Justin Beiber is famous
There is a Honey Boo-boo

Ways to prepare for the apocalypse:

Lots of ammo and beer

So bring it on universe....if I'm going out, I'm going out drunk....

Monday, December 3, 2012

Costas! What a Douche!

I think the title tells the whole story.  Was he quoting someone? Yes.  Did he go full retard by saying what he did? Yes.  That is about the long and short of what I think.

I did love something I heard today about an NFL player not needing a gun to kill someone, I think it may have mentioned OJ Simpson.

I could go on for a few more words about how I think he should be ostracized for his lack of compassion by turning a tragedy into a political shit show.  Or how he was poo-pooing violence while getting ready to watch extremely large athletes run at each other at full speed  and go boom.

I think it has something to do with the duality of man.

Now show me your war face!!!

Costas! What a Douche

I think the title tells the whole story.  Was he quoting someone? Yes.  Did he go full retard by saying what he did? Yes.  That is about the long and short of what I think.

I did love something I heard today about an NFL player not needing a gun to kill someone, I think it may have mentioned OJ Simpson.

I could go on for a few more words about how I think he should be ostracized for his lack of compassion by turning a tragedy into a political shit show.  Or how he was poo-pooing violence while getting ready to watch extremely large athletes run at each other at full speed  and go boom.

I think it has something to do with the duality of man.

Now show me your war face!!!

Its me

My photo
Letting my thoughts flow