Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Go out and vote. 

I voted today, still can't figure out why you wouldn't go vote.  This is a big deal, kinda like picking which beer to buy when they are all the same price.  (answer: Bud Light).  

Anyone with a brain know why the electoral college exists?  Seems like bullshit to me. 

So let me get this right, the popular vote, which is who gets more voters overall, doesn't mean shit.  However the Northeast and California comprise a majority of the people that get to decide who runs the country. 

What they need to do is elect DOG 2012!

Today, she thumbed her nose at the commies by licking her own ass in their general direction. 

Also, I would like to say thank you to Mrs. Redneck, she is the best in the world, for all the love and support she gives me and DOG 2012.  I am the hype man, she is the campaign manager.  Please contact her for any of your DOG 2012 merchandise. 

Would any of you buy a Southern Style shirt?

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