Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Truth! Voter Guide Edition

Brought to you by

Stole this one from Angrymike!  

I do have to point out the typo on "Air Jordon's".  Pretty sure its Jordan, nonetheless its quite accurate.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Victory! Townhome living edition

We finally got an offer on our house.  It had been for sale for a while and I had given up hope of it actually selling.  This is some of the best news I have had in a while.  Looks like the rednecks are going to be moving on to a, hopefully, bigger domicile and town home living will be in our rear view. 

For those of you that have never lived in a townhome, I do not reccomend it.  Especially if you are planning on having a family of any size!  The lack of outdoor space is a huge drawback!  Finally we get to start looking at bringing our stuff out of storage. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Go out and vote. 

I voted today, still can't figure out why you wouldn't go vote.  This is a big deal, kinda like picking which beer to buy when they are all the same price.  (answer: Bud Light).  

Anyone with a brain know why the electoral college exists?  Seems like bullshit to me. 

So let me get this right, the popular vote, which is who gets more voters overall, doesn't mean shit.  However the Northeast and California comprise a majority of the people that get to decide who runs the country. 

What they need to do is elect DOG 2012!

Today, she thumbed her nose at the commies by licking her own ass in their general direction. 

Also, I would like to say thank you to Mrs. Redneck, she is the best in the world, for all the love and support she gives me and DOG 2012.  I am the hype man, she is the campaign manager.  Please contact her for any of your DOG 2012 merchandise. 

Would any of you buy a Southern Style shirt?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Debate...sucked...DOG 2012 edition

That was some boring shit to watch...I went to bed at 9:45. You know why?  Cause that was boring as shit! 

I did like Barry's "the 1980's called and want their foreign policy back"...Oh yea!!  Well the 1990's called and they want their joke back! 

We need to skip the debate and just have a cage match between the two candidates.  First one to tap out loses the debate.  For foreign policy debate they should dress as their favorite country, Mitt could be America and Barry could rock the rooskies' hammer and sickle.
It would be like Rocky, featured here once before. Tell me you wouldn't pay good money to hear old Barry say "I must break you"

I would also like to thank all the douches on facebook for trying to guide my political views, it has changed the way I viewed the election and am now voting for my dog.  Her foreign policy of shitting in my neighbors yard is spot on. How can you beat a policy like that?  Wake up, shit on the commies' lawn, eat some breakfast, and take a nap.

DOG 2012 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Debate Hype!

Alright boys and girls, the final debate is upon us!!  We get to see banter the likes of which have never been seen.  This one will have it all!  Laughter, crying, and a guest appearance by Ron Paul in a non-optimal outfit. 

I am a bit biased, but I think the smart money is on Ron Paul to pop out of the audience in his oversized suit and school both of the candidates on foreign policy. 

So stock up on booze and take a shot every time Obama says "that's not true" or Mitt throws out his "five point plan". 

Chug a beer anytime either candidate tells a half-truth....fuck it!!! Just drink a case a beer and save having to keep score!

Ohh yea, fun in the news - depending on which news you watch gas prices are going to sky rocket, or drop!

Also - go hit up ....Ron has a badass store

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Debate fest!

I wish I would have slept for the first 45 minutes of that damn debate, it was a fight to make me want to drink more.  Romney was touting his 5 finger death punch plan and Obama was hyping his "fairness is the way to prosperity (read socialism)" without an actual plan. 

Points I actually liked were right before I went to bed around 10 (yea, I'm a slack ass). 

Romney's answer to the immigration question, that was a good answer in my book.  Actually made it sound like illegal immigration was, well...illegal. 

Romney's beat down right before I went to bed, seems like he went on a 5 minute ass whooping fest of Obama's policies and record

Obama- sounded rhetorical at best, loved reading about his gun-control answer this morning.  Headlines should read  "Gun Sales Soar".  Gun shop owners must love this guy! 

Can we get a moderator that doesn't look like a man?  I have given up on getting one that is not biased.

What did I miss?  Any favorite quotes?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Getting Hyped for the Debate!

I am getting hyped for tomorrow's debate!  Hopefully it will be a repeat ass kicking for the current Pres.  I am stocking up on some beer and sustenance to help me wade through the BS.

How was the VP debate?  I wasn't able to watch it, I was on a golf outing with my buddies and politics was not on the schedule, drinking was. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Butthurt! Media Bias Edition

Man, I'm sure Obama is really butthurt about the state dept. coming out saying that the Libya attacks were never about that piece of shit movie.  It amazes me to watch how the media treats the US people like a bunch of morons.  (insert if it was a republican rant here)

Its not just the if it was a repbulican, I don't care who the hell was trying to mislead the US people!  The media should be on this story like white on rice!  Why is the everyone so damn eager to make this administration look like they haven't shit the bed?  You're the media, your supposed to report the news not cover up for the guy you want in November. 

They fucked up!  That should be the headline.  That or "They Lied".

Who is getting hyped up for the VP debate, I'm curious to see how Biden looks after having been kept out of the public eye to protect him from himself. 

Just to get you ready for the debate, here is a preview of Our VP Joe Biden

Saturday, October 6, 2012

This work thing keeps getting in the way

This pesky work thing keeps getting in the way of sending y'all some badass content!  I will have some shenanigans en route shortly.  Just bear with me a bit more and I will post a video of something to entertain you.

Its me

My photo
Letting my thoughts flow