Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blogfest is slowing

My blogfest has begun to slow, this week is crazy as hell for me at work.  I promise I will be back in the saddle later this week. Again, once I become a pro at shooting, I will be able to blog full time and keep you entertained non-stop!  Also, I would like to thank the country of Russia for being a majority of my page views...


WOO HOO!  200 VIEWS  I am officially considering myself a blogger.  As a celebration of my achievement please check out the newest installment in my house  Guitar Pee

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

IDPA Results...

They finally posted the results for my first IDPA match....(drum roll please) I finished in the top part of my division!  I am very excited about this, I would even go so far as to say I am stoked about the results.  I entered into this contest just hoping to stay safe and not finish in dead last.  I accomplished both of those goals and then some.
I am officially hooked, next stop sponsorships and it shall become my full time job (adios sales job!).  The worst part was that the results came out last night around bedtime, which prevented me from going to sleep and then once asleep dreaming of nothing but my next match. The match in which I am hoisted on to shoulders for doing so well and a Glock (doesn't have to be Glock, I will take a sponsorship from a port-a-john company if it pays) sponsorship comes my way with a fat paycheck (adios sales job!...notice a trend?). 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial day

Just want to say thank you to all the men and women who have served and currently serve in our Country's military.  We live in a great country and y'all make the ultimate sacrifice to help keep this country great.

Thank You!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Holy hell, what a good time.  I shot my first IDPA match this morning, it was a great time.  This was one of the most challenging and fun experiences, The people were very friendly and welcoming and the stages were pretty inventive.  I didn't score too badly either.   Will be getting the results in the next few days and will update. I may have a new addiction.

First IDPA Match

Got my first IDPA Match this morning, have to admit I am a little nervous, but excited as hell.  Shoving some food in my belly and then I am off to the races.  Will update with results.
All I am aiming for is anything above last place.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Putting that big ol brain to good use

- Watch More Funny Videos

Tough day of fishing, shark snags the catch of the day

Its a job, not my life...Life lessons from Booda

Still trying to figure out the people that work 24/7.  I understand getting work done and taking care of business, but there has to be a separation between life and work. 
I work so that I can have a life, not the other way around.  I'm not one of those people who, if they won the lottery, would keep working to "keep from getting bored".  Give me a billion dollars and my job can kiss my happy ass good bye!  I might start a company or two, but it will be a cold day in hell before I work for The Man again!

My advice to you, make a billion dollars and quit your job with out telling your boss, he'll figure it out!

Click some ads!

Please click the ads, I need beer money!

Thanks to those who have!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Its a spending problem, not a revenue problem

CBO says US to Fall off fiscal cliff

The CBO is saying that if we let the "Bush era tax cuts" expire, we will enter another recession.  The issue is not revenue, the issue is spending. We can't continue the trend of deficit spending that we have been on for the last 20 years.  We live in a great country, but as a country we can't give everyone a free ride. 

If we continue the tax cuts permanently it will "cost" the US roughly 3.3 trillion over 10 years.  I use "cost", because it is not costing the government anything, its not "costing" the government anything.  The government doesn't make money, they take money, they are "letting" people keep the money that they earned.  3.3 trillion over 10 years is a drop in the bucket, we are currently at 15.7 trillion (not over 10 years, that is now).

We need to freeze government spending at current levels as a start, not automatic increase next year.  We need to elect people into our government that understand what it takes to live within you means. 

Why does this have to happen in NC cont.

This is just a follow up to the previous video.  I am merely commenting on what I observed in the video, not on the history of the student or teacher.

Wow, what a great teacher / class.  The respect in the room is overflowing, I think that everyone in this video is in the wrong.  This shouldn't be happening in any classroom no matter where you are in America.  I fault the teacher for not being able to control her students or herself, she is supposed to be the mature person in the classroom and should be above a yelling match with a student.

Now on to the meat of the issue - indoctrination in the schools.  This is a prime example of how children are being taught beginning in grade school.  We have a school system that is full on liberals that are pushing their own agenda.  School is where people should learn Math, Science, English etc.  This is not the place for singing songs about Obama.

Had the child actually talked bad about the President, then that would be grounds to tell him that he is our President and whether or not you agree with him, he deserves a certain amount of respect.  She manages to take a valid question and try to spin in into slander.

My favorite point made by the Teacher of the Year, is that people were "arrested" for talking bad about President Bush.  Where the hell did this happen?  I'm betting that had it happened, the mainstream media would have had a field day with it.   

From the sounds of things neither the student nor the teacher have any business being in a school environment.

Some reading fit for Rowan county schools see below

Red-Letter Press The Bathroom Trivia Book

Monday, May 21, 2012

The downward spiral of Adam Sandler

What the hell has happened to Adam Sandler?  The comedic genius that came up with Billy Madison and Big Daddy hasn't made a movie that was worth a crap in a decade. 

I'm not sure if it is just me and that I was immature and stupid, probably a bit of both.  I'm still immature and stupid, the only difference is that now I can admit it.  Neither one of these conditions excuse the lack of entertainment in Adam Sandler's recent cinematic adventures. 

Whoever green lighted the one with him playing his own sister needs to be kicked in the taint.

Open house

So and I are trying to sell our house.  We had an open house yesterday, poor showing is an understatement.  We had 3 people come by, which averages to 1 per hour.  could have been worse, but not the turn out I was hoping for. 
Townhouse living is no longer working for the redneck family, we have too much stuff and not enough space.  Need to get out of town and into some land where we can stretch our legs.  Just need to talk thatredneckswife into moving out of the city. Easier said than done

Campus Concealed Carry

I have been thinking about this one for a while. 
There are so many people that are against the campus concealed carry (CCC), but why?  The arguments against CCC are the same ones used by anti-gun people for all laws.  They say that more guns = more crime, erroneous!  More guns = less crime (people are able to defend themselves). 

Please bear with me, this is going to morph into a concealed carry / pro gun tirade.

People who choose to carry concealed are usually law abiding citizens.  Enacting a law against carrying a firearm only disarms the people who follow the law. Preventing a lawfully concealed carry in your store, campus, restaurant, etc. does not prevent a criminal from entering your store with a gun.  They are called criminals for a reason, they have decided to disregard the law against robbing someone at gunpoint.  They will probably not abide by the law that prevents them from carrying in your store!  
This is the same thought process about gun purchases! 

My point is that if someone wants to break the law, they can, a law does not stop the crime from happening.  

Gun Video

Good info about how to stay safe during a traffic stop while carrying.  Me and thatredneckswife watched it a couple of times.

Tips when stopped

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Walmart Parking Lot

So I took the little redneck to Walmart this morning, just a dad and his daughter out for some supplies.  Walmart was, as always, crazy as shit. It is Saturday morning, its my fault I thought to go, should have gone last night after a few beers.  Anyway, on to the parking lot shenanigans.
I am getting ready to back out of my parking spot, I check the mirrors, look around and cue up the tunes.  The coast was clear, as I start backing out of my spot I get honked at!  Now I had some primo parking so I figured this was a couple of jokers fighting over my bad ass parking spot...I was wrong!  It was some ass face that didn't have the damn common sense to drive down the parking lot in the correct direction. WTF, when you are driving down the lane and you have to pull a fricking 3-point turn to get into a spot, might be goin the wrong direction.  And that butthole honked at me!  You know what I say about that? A big old F-U and a full salute with the middle finger.

Learn how to drive you ass clown!

Side note, prices on ammo seem to continue to rise 25.98 for the big box of .22, what the hell?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Holy hell! 943 yard goat shot...that sounded sexual

Beer Friday

It's Friday, Craig!  So in celebration I am going to drink some beers, the flavor of the day is Miller Lite (due to carb restriction).  I wonder if drinking 12 beers will make me want to do anything productive tomorrow?  Also thatredneckswife is out so I am without supervision. Bring on the hunting shows and hangovers! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

People know guns are awesome

It hasn't taken long, but people are finding out that guns are not quite as evil as they were taught in school.  They actually go out and shoot them to realize that they are fun and safe. one was injured while I was target shooting?  I thought that guns kill people?  That is what I was told in the news.  Must be those crazy right wingers!

Gun Toys

Someone, please market this AR-15 Mag

I'm confused

So is he from Kenya or isn't he?  Breitbart....Obama was born in Kenya, wait ...sorry no he wasn't

Pots and Pans

Something I hadn't thought about pots and pans

100 Visitors!

I have reached the pinnacle of blogging, 100 visitors.  Thanks to everyone who made this possible... Miller Lite,, and the baby (not necessarily in that order).  So upon this wonderful day, I encourage you to click the ads on this site to support my blogging habit.

Thank y'all for reading my nonsense...I'm still surprised that I don't have any comments on any of my posts. Guess that means that at least 100 people agree with me.

Check out this B.O.B

Pretty sweet little ICE system, they are also putting together BOBs.  Pricey as hell, but take your own pack and use their list to your advantage. ICE Packs Exodus

RIP Donna Summer

Barracuda jumps into fishing boat

1911 site

Doing some research and found this site

Good information

50th Post featuring Crazy Aussies!

Aussie Shooter to wear Mankini at Olypmics

Sucks for this guy!  Why would you ever bet that you would wear a mankini at the Olympic opening ceremony?

Thought this was a great way to celebrate my 50th post!

Gun Toys!

Armscor has come out with a new cartridge the .22 tcm.  Looks pretty bad ass.

They also produce more 1911's than any other manufacturer.  A RIA could be in the running for the next purchase.

Armscor .22 tcm

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This has to be a joke

Follow the link on Fox news to find out how Obama has been involved with every Presidency

When I heard this, I thought it was a joke...then I looked it up and began laughing hysterically.  I can't believe that this is actually posted on a .gov website. 
It makes complete sense, this way when our youngsters are looking up info for their next book report they can find out how Obama has connected himself to everything Presidential.  I have a better idea, lets just make all past President's names hyphenated

Calvin Coolidge-Obama
Theodore Roosevelt-Obama
Abraham Lincoln-Obama
John Quincy Obama
Barack Hussein Obama - Kennedy- Reagan - Bush - Bush - Obama

Gun Laws

You mean to tell me that criminals don't follow the law?  That is some revolutionary thinking. 

"The philosophy of gun control: Teenagers are roaring through town at 90MPH, where the speed limit is 25. Your solution is to lower the speed limit to 20."
- Sam Cohen (inventor of the neutron bomb)

Video points out pointlessness of gun-free zones

Who knew, Whoopi is a NRA member

Whoopi is a member of the NRA?.  Good for her!

Joy Behar is a moron, just in case you didn't know. 

If Same-Sex Marriage Is so Popular, Why Does It Always Lose at the Ballot Box?

If Same-Sex Marriage Is so Popular, Why Does It Always Lose at the Ballot Box?

Well said Uncle

Gun Toys: ATI FX45 1911

I have been looking for a 1911 for a while now, but due to budget constraints (read baby formula costs an arm and a leg).  I saw a GI version of this pistol at Palmetto State Armory the other day for $399.99 and have been interested in whether or not this was a good pistol for the price.
Along comes this article from ATI FX 45.  Sounds like a decent pistol for the money.

Any one have any recommendations for or against this bad boy?


The government of Greece has been on a spending spree for the last few decades and are like a crack addict unable to kick the habit.  Bank runs have hit Greece, it amazes me that people are surprised.  I am surprised that it hasn't happened sooner. 
This is what happens when you have out of control spending by government and proof that socialism doesn't work. Allowing the government to pay for as much of your life as possible is easy, but the money has to come from somewhere.  The debt of Greece has become so large that they are going to default and leave the Euro in hopes of salvaging their economy.
The US is no different, with current policies in place riddled with run-away spending there is no other end except for default.  We can't continue to increase the debt ceiling every time we want, the ceiling is there for a reason, to make us stay within our means (that sounds comical when we have debt in excess of 15 trillion). A budget should not include mandatory increases every year in spending and finding more ways to spend taxpayer money.
If we want to reign in spending and pay down the debt, we need to spend less than we take in as a country.  This does not mean "everybody paying their fair share" that means government not spending everyone's fair share on $20,000 toilets and $5,000 hammers.  Now I will admit that socialism sounds sexy on paper, retire at 45 with full pay...awesome, but you can pull that off by working your ass off and saving your money. 

My solution, for what its worth (a government hammer), is put in place a flat tax. That is truly the only way "everyone pays their fair share".  We also need to freeze spending, I mean freeze, no automatic increase for inflation or any other political games.  We then need to freeze the pay for all politicians, no raises until the budget is set to bring some of this spending under control. Lastly we need to get a budget that covers a year worth of government spending, none of the nonsense of cutting 25 million (over 15 years). 


Feeling better today, steady diet of dayquil...those are some huge pills.  Should be a good albeit jittery day.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Is what I currently feel like...I'm out for the day, need some rest.

Poor form

Really? ....Trayvon Martin gun targets.  Not sure how you feel about what happened, but I think this is a bit tasteless.

Congrats to El Rushbo

El Rushbo  is inducted into the Missouri's Hall of Fame.

Gun Shows

Thanks to Caleb for this topic Gun Shows .  I am a big fan of most all gun shows on TV, the ones on sportman's channel and outdoor are by far the better ones if you want to learn something.  Still don't understand how someone could let their daughter dress like on American Guns, maybe if you have access that many guns you don't worry about that kind of thing.

Comments...or lack of comments

Cmon people, I am almost to 100 views and apparently my ramblings are not provocative enough to illicit and comments.  I will even take non-constructive criticism, if its constructive...

On a lighter note, please continue to click the ads, so far they have allowed me to purchase 2 tall boy Bud Lights

Big Brother edition

Not sure if you have seen this Surveillance Cameras coming to US  . Just what we need, this should prevent all crimes.  If this doesn't stop crime, we should probably put in more cameras.  THAT'S IT!!  If we put cameras everywhere then crime will cease to exist.

To round out the nonsense Drones coming to the US

My guess is that neither one of these are going to be used only with a signed warrant from a judge.

 I haven't heard it yet, but I'm sure this is for "the children" 


Missed the last couple of days, with mother's day and now I am feeling like I am coming down with some sort of bug.  Hopefully will be short lived, apparently beer consumption does not ward off sickness.  Too much work to do to be sick, full regimen of dayquil, soup and sleep mixed in with visiting customers.  Colds ain't got shit on me!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Gun Tips

First time conceal carry

Tips and tricks for concealed carry.  Good for everyone, not just first timers

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day to all the moms out there!  A special Happy Mother's day to Her Southern Style

Friday, May 11, 2012

Holy hell, this kid is amazing

I's sexy and I know it cover that is f'ing awesome!  Thanks to Caleb for bringing this to my attention.

Noah covers sexy and I know it and it is awesome

Gun Toys!

Shortie and Shorter Yet.  

What about that little guy? 

Get your kids into shooting, it will change their life...for the better

Reminds me of my first BB gun

 How I became a hired gun

Well said

Well said by Tam

AHHH! We must protect everyone from everything

Time magazine cover

Everybody is worked up about this .  Its a kid breastfeeding, get over it.  On the other had, the boy is probably not far off from being able to shave.  I fully support breastfeeding, but there is a point that it gets weird.  To quote my sister, "if the kid can unbutton your blouse, hes too damn old" 


Not really sure why the occupy people feel so in touch with our president.  They are the 99%, I mean come on they are the real people of the US.  They are not those "fat cat" bankers on wall street getting rich on the backs of the working man. 
So why do they feel in touch with a president who goes to dinners that cost 40k per plate and raised over 15 million bucks?  If Barry wants to help out with the "99%" why doesn't he take the 40k per plate and give it to the occupiers so that they don't have to get jobs.
Its ridiculous that the democrats scream about people getting "their fair share" when he is pulling in 15 million in one night. 

Its Friday...Beer post

Not sure if you have hopped (pun intended) on the IPA train, but here are a few from Sammy Adams that I need to try.  We have a great selection of craft beers in NC so I have only tried one of these beers.  Need to drink them all.


Thursday, May 10, 2012


Don't want to go back to work, think I may be coming down with something that will shorten my afternoon considerably.  Thinking that 70's and sunshine should be considered grounds for a half day.

Steel Cased Ammo

Personally I love this stuff for getting in some affordable shooting.  Haven't put 6k rounds like Caleb, but I have tried in 9mm and .223 and both worked flawlessly.

Steel Ammo Challenge

Hat tip to Caleb

Gun Toys

Armored vehicle for the PD

This thing is cool as hell...but why does a police department need an armored vehicle. First, I want to express that I have the utmost respect for the Police and the risks they take.  I also feel that there is a militarization of our police forces going on.  This is in CA, which last I checked you aren't even allowed to carry a loaded gun.  I especially like the officer's quote "If it rolls up to your house, you know we mean business."  Doesn't it go without saying that when armed officers roll up to your house they mean business.

You know when the Dems start talking about State's rights

They are full of crap Feinstein to filibuster gun reciprocity .  She actually says that it will increase domestic violence.  I am surprised to see that she didn't mention the children and how they will be "damaged" by this legislation. 

Also note that this title applies to most politicians (dem or republican)...a good rule of thumb is that when a politician starts talking about  insert word here they are full of crap.

But it is all for the children (who happen to be saddled with the largest national debt in history)

Beastie Boys Adam Yauch

Check out these Dope Rhymes . Not to be confused with Ving Rhames....

Nobody puts Baby...Barry in the corner

Interesting view on the political shenanigans of  Barry comes out for same sex marriage  .  Personally I think it is because the DNC is in Charlotte NC this year and with them just voting for amendment one he is hoping to pick up the young voters who voted against the amendment. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Her Southern Style: Amendment 1

Her Southern Style: Amendment 1: Amendment 1 passed in NC yesterday.  As a citizen of this great state I have to say, I'm glad it's over...or has it just begun?  I believe t...

Gun Store Etiquette - CTD

Gun Store Etiquette

Good info

Gracias to Cheaper than dirt

Gun Toys!

Tony Rist Tactical Oval 1911 Grips | Shooting Illustrated

Pretty smooth looking grips to pimp out your 1911

What a bunch of knuckleheads article: California Bill to Ban Unloaded Rifles in Public

Next it will be against the law to think about guns in public

Amendment one...continued

Surprise, it passed.  We are in NC, its called the Bible belt for a reason.  What I find amazing is how up until now everyone and their brother on FB was saying it was about the children, domestic abuse rights, the ability for chickens to migrate into SC unchecked etc.  But now that the amendment passed it is being touted as a bigoted piece of legislation that prohibits "love".  I know that progressives are pissed that it didn't pass, but some if the crap they are writing is more hateful than the"hatred" which they are fighting against.

Well hey, at least now they can begin fighting to repeal amendment one, till another cause comes along. 

"If one billion people read this blog we can repeal obamacare"

Taxes more than food, shelter and clothing combined

Apparently "paying your fair share" means spending more on taxes than what you actually need to survive. As long as the gubment gets theirs to distribute as they deem necessary they don't care what you need.

Taxes cost more than food, shelter, and clothing combined

What government does

Thanks to Uncle for the link

What government does 
They take great ideas and then regulate them (read tax)
I mean really, when has government done something that was unnecessary

View From The Porch: Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na!

Adios Dick Lugar! 

Well said by Tam

View From The Porch: Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na!: It is my pleasure to report that Dick Lugar, six-term US Senator from the state of Indiana, former mayor of Indianapolis, a sort of anti-Cin...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Low carb

So me and the wife are going low carb for the next month, all well and good except for the small issue of not being able to drink beer.  I can skip the breads and opt for a big ol protein filled meal, but not being able to have a few bud lights to round out the day is going to be tough.  Sorry bacardi and diet just don't cut the mustard vs. some delicious brews.

Gun Toys! I want one!

 Holy hell, comfort and style blended with a little boom! article: Redefine Road Rage with Armored Machine Gun Porsche (VIDEO)

Amendment One

Hooray! It is finally Tuesday here in NC and the voting has begun and people can go from posting on facebook about the amendment one vote to being happy / pissed that it passed / didn't.  Hopefully all of these sheeple will just shut the hell up. Its not that I don't advocate talking about your cause of the day (hell I am blogging and have multiple CODs) but these buttholes that post unfounded statistics without doing any research are just as moronic as the people they are trying to sway. 

Read up on the facts and then make your decision.  I am not going to judge people based on which way they vote, that is a personal decision.  I am, however, judging the people who post that if you don't vote for / against amendment one that you should be shot / defriended (a fate worse than death to some people).

On second thought, I might just quit facebook and end the whole issue.Then what would I write about?

BTW did you know that 80% of the people that read this blog are geniuses


I am looking at shooting my first IDPA match later this month, anyone have suggestion for training to get me more ready for the shoot?

Monday, May 7, 2012

The wife has arrived

Slide on over and check out the wife's blogfest over at Wife fest

The backdoor to be open

The backdoor to be open 
scary stuff
Thanks to uncle

Best Wife Ever

Came home today to learn that the wife had purchased the outdoor channel trifecta from Dish.  My TV watching has now expanded from Fox news to Fox news + Outdoor channel + Sportsman channel and World Fishing network.  Productivity just dropped by 15%

Truck Nutz!

Who would have ever thought that a pair of nuts hanging from your truck could get you pulled over?  I think these should be issued with the purchase of every truck.  Land of the free? long as you don't have nuts on your truck. Truck Nutz gets guy arrested

Gun Toys

Cool little product that I am pissed that I didn't think to invent, so simple yet great design Pat's review over at survivalblog

Looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays

Foggy morning here in the queen city, mentally and weather wise, waking up after more than 6 beers but less than a case.  Great weekend filled with picnic, golf tourney and drinking for cinco de mayo. Really not wanting to work today, but looks like I am going to get some work done. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Quail Hollow

Some of the best people watching ever!  Lots of miniature Ricky Fowlers running around.  But by far the best one was the lady in circa 1980's reebok Tennessee orange high tops!  You can't write that kind of shit!  Hilarious!   Didn't get to stay to watch the ending, but caught it on TV.  Congrats to Ricky Fowler for him and Puma's win for the day. 

Its me

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Letting my thoughts flow

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