Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why does this have to happen in NC cont.

This is just a follow up to the previous video.  I am merely commenting on what I observed in the video, not on the history of the student or teacher.

Wow, what a great teacher / class.  The respect in the room is overflowing, I think that everyone in this video is in the wrong.  This shouldn't be happening in any classroom no matter where you are in America.  I fault the teacher for not being able to control her students or herself, she is supposed to be the mature person in the classroom and should be above a yelling match with a student.

Now on to the meat of the issue - indoctrination in the schools.  This is a prime example of how children are being taught beginning in grade school.  We have a school system that is full on liberals that are pushing their own agenda.  School is where people should learn Math, Science, English etc.  This is not the place for singing songs about Obama.

Had the child actually talked bad about the President, then that would be grounds to tell him that he is our President and whether or not you agree with him, he deserves a certain amount of respect.  She manages to take a valid question and try to spin in into slander.

My favorite point made by the Teacher of the Year, is that people were "arrested" for talking bad about President Bush.  Where the hell did this happen?  I'm betting that had it happened, the mainstream media would have had a field day with it.   

From the sounds of things neither the student nor the teacher have any business being in a school environment.

Some reading fit for Rowan county schools see below

Red-Letter Press The Bathroom Trivia Book

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