Saturday, September 29, 2012

Obama Phone!!

First, as I do from time to time, I have to apologize.  Not for my content, if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself, but for my lack of content.  I have been working like a dog for the past 2 weeks and have not had time to get this blogfest rolling properly.

On to the shenanigans!

Obama Phone!

This sums up the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, he gives people shit and they continue to vote for him.  What else can be said?  This is fucking ridiculous!  If you want to know my view of welfare, feel free to check out my post badmiton / welfare cheating...really? Butthurt warning

It's people with this mentality that are ruining our country...they have found out that they don't have to do a damn thing, except vote for more socialism (obama).  I would love to give these people a job, just so they know how much it sucks to have to pay taxes so other people can get a fucking free cell phone.  (aka: getting kicked in the dick)

Actually for the lazy ones, I am still offering my services - "Get kicked in the dick free of charge here!"

Update: AngryMike has stepped up to the plate to offer a free ass kicking to round out the package!

I don't know who said it, but there is a quote that I am going to goes something like this:

"Why is is called greed to want to keep money you have earned, but not to take money you have not?"


  1. If you get any takers on getting kicked in the dick, let me know I'll come over and kick them in the ass at the same time, just so they get the full effect of what real life is to us working ppl.........

  2. Thanks Mike for the donation of your time and ass kicking abilities!


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