Monday, June 11, 2012

Fresh Herbs

Finally the basil and oregano that I planted 3 months ago are ripe for the picking.  Last night I made some baked spaghetti (but with fettuccine noodles) it was delicious.  I like to cook just good old comfort food every now and again, with the internet food blogs (which have some great ideas) I feel like everyone is trying to cook like they are a five star chef.
Home made naan bread is kick ass, but who the hell has time to make naan bread when their 10 month old has just shit up their back.  Not to mention that I have a damn job (side note: if anyone would like to pay me to blog, I will happily do it for 1 million dollars).

Get ready for the next post it is number 100! Going to have to make it a good one.


  1. While I have no frame of reference with regards to naan, I can inform you that Non was General Zod's fellow villain in Superman II. Kneel before Zod!



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