Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Its called not being a douche

Caleb addresses reporting issues during matches

No one likes a tattle tale, especially when playing a game.  Coming from a sports background, if the ref doesn't see it then it didn't happen.  Coming from a golf background, call you own damn penalties...its called integrity.

Shooting sports are much more akin to golf than a normal sport, you have to call your own fouls even if the SO/RO misses it.  The best part about these sports is that you learn a lot about yourself.  So call the foul if you want, but if you don't you're a douche.

I wish there was a counter I could install that would register every instance of douche.


  1. I have it on very good authority that the correct terminology for two douches or more is Douche Canoe. Use as needed.



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