Monday, June 18, 2012

Go the F to sleep

I never understood the hype behind the book "Go the F*** to Sleep".  I appreciated it for the vulgarity, which is pretty f'ing cool, and they fact that Sammy L. Jackson narrated it on You Tube.

Until now... having a child I have reached the point where I completely understand what the book is about. How the hell can a child that hasn't slept for 5-6 hours not take a nap, I'm not talking about a 5 year old, I'm talking about a 10 month old who naps every 3-4 hours on like its her job.  She has all the signs of needing a nap, but you lay her down and nothing. 

As I write this, I realize how old I am and that I have transformed from the guy who used to bitch about the beer not being cold enough, to the old man who bitches about the kid who is not napping and is going to ruin bedtime and she will be crabby for the rest of the afternoon (shit yea that was a hell of a run-on sentence, grammar be damned!!). 

I now join the legions of people understanding why this book is so damn good, cause sometimes you just want to scream " GO THE F*** TO SLEEP!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Booda, you sell yourself short. That was, in fact, a poorly punctuated compound-complex sentence.



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