Monday, July 16, 2012

Back in the USSR! Fireworks edition

Apparently I have re-gained some of the notoriety that I thought I had lost.  Mother Russia is back on my map of views with a vengeance!  I would like to say, Da and welcome back!

To help with all the Russians that are reading the ramblins of myself, I would like to let you in on what all the rednecks think you are like...

To help the Rednecks, this is what the Rooskies think you are like...

Southern Style...  Helping people connect, one movie clip at a time!

If you would like me to help explain any other stereotypes I will be more than happy!  The joe dirt is pretty accurate when it comes to fireworks and rednecks, I have never met a russian so I assume they are all like the dude from rocky.

Pretty sure all these stereotypes love AK-47s; who doesn't love a gun that will run with 3lbs of dirt in the action?

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