Saturday, July 7, 2012


So I broke down and finally gave up on my android POS (piece of shit) phone that I had fought with for 2 years.  Apparently the strain of my day to day was more than it could bear.  I have joined the league of hipster douchebags and bought an iPhone. 

Upon purchasing this phone I am fully qualified to lecture you on: global warming, tight jeans, economics, going green, eating right (read vegan), tom's shoes, wide rim glasses, buckwheat pillows, health effects of green tea, vintage everything, being ironic, why you should be ironic too!, fair trade coffee, the plight of the (insert country here), lightbulbs, living in my moms basement, trying to find a job "that pays"(read 150k right out of college), deforestation, raising chickens, WWF (not the wrestling one), WWF ( the wrestling one), comic books, paul frank, physics, "being metro", why being metro gets chicks, occupying anything, douche canoes, and why being a hipster is cool.

I'm not saying that having an iPhone makes you a hipster douchebag, but it might. 

 In all honesty this is a pretty badass phone, I can see what the hype is about.

They also make a case that has realtree camo. 

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