Sunday, August 5, 2012

Chick-fil-A! Butthurt edition

A day late...I have intentionally held off on this topic till all of the nonsense of the week had run its course.
Here is what I am thinking on the Chick-fil-A nonsense.  First I am going to lay down what has happened...

Mr. Cathy, the Pres / big swinging D of Chick-fil-A came out saying he doesn't think that (to quote Caleb) "fanny-bangers" deserve to get married. 

1. Does this surprise you?  This Corp. is extremely Christian and value oriented. So why is that weird?  He's hard core christian and he doesn't approve of gay marriage.  Holy Shit!  I am amazed!

2.  It is a private company!  Why the hell should he care if you approve of his views or not?  They are exactly that...his views, he is not killing anyone.  Give him a break. 

3.  It is a damn good sammich!  Whoever picks the restaurant they eat at by the politics of management has too much free time...or is just looking to get butthurt over something.

4.  Free Speech!  This should have been number 1, but my organizational skills are lacking.  If he hates gays...then guess what? Who the hell cares.  If he is gay...then guess what?  Who the hell cares.  Refer to point #3

5.  Tolerance.  This is my favorite one!  I salivate about this point.  You know why?  Because the people that have coexist and tolerate stickers on the back of their priuses are the ones calling for this guy's head.  Gays are the new black, its OK for them to hate your for your beliefs, but freedom be damned if you don't agree with their lifestyle.  Whatever you do behind closed doors, is your own god damned business.  I don't flaunt the fact that I enjoy the company of a woman, don't flaunt whatever you like.  You want tolerance?  Then learn to tolerate the people that don't agree with your point of view, the rest of us have been forced to do just that, bite our tongues out of fear of being labeled a racist or homophobe.
I consider myself a libertarian/ conservative...and by doing so, I am forced to listen to a shit ton of douche-bags because I believe they have the right to speak their mind.

So the next time you run into someone who is preaching "tolerance" tell them to look into exactly what that means and then tell them to go fuck themselves.

- that "kiss in" looks like it went over like a wet fart
- despite what you see in the news, more people disapprove of same sex marriage than agree with it...look at the law recently passed in NC, also CA approved a ban on gay marriage.

Glad that this douche got fired...this poor girl at least has a job and is trying to better herself.
Hey douche...go fuck yourself

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